Ability 1st Tallahassee

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  • Ability 1st Tallahassee
1823 Buford Court
Tallahassee, FL 32308

Phone: (850) 575-9621
Website: https://www.ability1st.info

Executive Director: Mandy Bianchi (mandybianchi@ability1st.info)

Additional Services

Service Description Notes
A Place Called Home/A Place Called Home for FamiliesPermanent supportive housing placements for chronically homeless individuals with a disability and for families with a parent with a disability.
Access to Independence ProgramProvides disposables and has a loan closet for durable medical equipment.
Crime Victim AssistanceCrisis counseling, support, and guidance for those who are victims of crime or who became disabled as a result of a crime.
Florida Telecommunication RelayProvides free specialized telecommunications equipment for citizens who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf/blind and speech disabled.
Mental Health OutreachProvides supportive services to people with mental illness, substance abuse and co-occurring disorders.Assistance with applying for SSI benefits.
Nursing Home Diversion ProgramEnables people living with disabilities to live independently with the assistance of home modifications.
State Housing Initiative Partnership Program (SHIP)Provides home improvements to eliminate health, safety and architectural barriers from the home.
ASL ClassesFree sign language classes for those with a deaf family member.
Youth ServicesHigh School High Tech to assist those ages 14-22, who are living with a disability to explore jobs or post-secondary education. Youth Transition- ages 18-26 with independent living skills training.
Homeless ServicesProvide outreach to unsheltered individuals interested in housing.Rapid rehousing funding.
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