Tallahassee, FL 32308
Phone: (850) 575-9621
Website: https://www.ability1st.info
Executive Director: Mandy Bianchi (mandybianchi@ability1st.info)
Additional Services
Service | Description | Notes |
A Place Called Home/A Place Called Home for Families | Permanent supportive housing placements for chronically homeless individuals with a disability and for families with a parent with a disability. | |
Access to Independence Program | Provides disposables and has a loan closet for durable medical equipment. | |
Crime Victim Assistance | Crisis counseling, support, and guidance for those who are victims of crime or who became disabled as a result of a crime. | |
Florida Telecommunication Relay | Provides free specialized telecommunications equipment for citizens who are deaf, hard of hearing, deaf/blind and speech disabled. | |
Mental Health Outreach | Provides supportive services to people with mental illness, substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. | Assistance with applying for SSI benefits. |
Nursing Home Diversion Program | Enables people living with disabilities to live independently with the assistance of home modifications. | |
State Housing Initiative Partnership Program (SHIP) | Provides home improvements to eliminate health, safety and architectural barriers from the home. | |
ASL Classes | Free sign language classes for those with a deaf family member. | |
Youth Services | High School High Tech to assist those ages 14-22, who are living with a disability to explore jobs or post-secondary education. Youth Transition- ages 18-26 with independent living skills training. | |
Homeless Services | Provide outreach to unsheltered individuals interested in housing. | Rapid rehousing funding. |