CIL of the Keys

103400 Overseas Highway
Suite 243
Key Largo, FL 33036

Phone: (305) 453-3491

Executive Director: Lesly Lopez (

Additional Services

Service Description Notes
Assistive Device Loan ClosetFree loaning of Medical Equipment, short and long term
Work Incentive Planning and Assistance WIPA From SSABenefits Counseling in how employment impacts SSDI and SSI
Work Incentive Planning and Assistance as Vendor for VRTo SSA beneficiaries from VR
Preemployment services as Vendor for VRAssistance for youth with disa bilities as they transition from school to employment and/or postsecondary education
SHINE Serving the Health Insurance Needs of the Elder and disabledMedicare Specialist to help Navigate Medicare, Medicaid, and other health benefits. d Assistance to compare Plans, etc.
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