Coalition for IL Options

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  • Coalition for IL Options
4400 N. Congress Ave., Suite 203
West Palm Beach, FL 33407
Phone: (561) 966-4288

Executive Director: Dan Shorter (

Additional Services

Service Description Notes
Crime Victim AssistanceRestraining orders, housing, food, counseling, support in and out of the courtroom and guidance for those who are victims of crime or became disabled due to a crime
Rent & Utility AssistanceAttended to keep clients from becoming homeless
Home modificationsEnsure clients can get in and out of homes & move about safely, especially in bathroom
ASL ClassesFree sign language classes for those with a deaf family member.
Deaf EmpowermentCase management for d/Deaf and hard-of hearing individuals.
Assistive Device Loan ClosetFree loaning of Medical Equipment, short and long term
Virtual Youth Job Skills TrainingAfter school and during breaks at Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring, Summer
Social Security benefits advocacyWe fight to get benefits approved plus back pay plus insurance
Student advocacyEnsure students get legally mandated support in education
Food pantry and food deliveriesVegetables, meat, bread, and prepared meals
Independent Living ClassesBudgeting, computer skills, couponing, etc.
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