Are you employed? Do you have a significant disability?
History Of The JP-PAS Program
The James Patrick Memorial Work Incentive Personal Attendant Services and Employment Assistance (JP-PAS) Program was created by the Florida Legislature in 2002 as a pilot project. The pilot was a success – and in 2008, JP-PAS was established as a permanent, statewide program in Chapter 413.402, Florida Statutes.
JP-PAS provides monthly stipends to adult Floridians with significant disabilities who require personal assistance services to attain and maintain competitive and integrated employment.
The JP-PAS Program is funded with revenues collected through the Tax Collection Diversion Program, which was established to recover the revenue due from individuals who have not remitted their collected sales tax.
The Tax Collection Diversion Program currently operates out of the Office of the State Attorneys in eight Florida Judicial Circuits:
- Circuit 4 (Duval County)
- Circuit 6 (Pinellas County)
- Circuit 9 (Orange County)
- Circuit 11 (Miami-Dade County)
- Circuit 13 (Hillsborough County)
- Circuit 15 (Palm Beach)
- Circuit 17 (Broward County)
- Circuit 20 (Lee County)
Who Is Eligible?
Persons who wish to apply must meet all of the following eligibility criteria:
- Must be a person with a disability who requires personal assistance service
(PAS) for support for at least two activities of daily living as determined in writing by a physician or psychiatrist. Activities of daily living means functions and tasks for self-care including ambulation, bathing, dressing, eating, grooming, and toileting (F.S. 429.02). - Must be at least 18 years of age.
- Must be a U.S. citizen and Florida resident or, if a non-U.S. citizen, must be a
legal permanent resident of the state. - Must be able to acquire and manage a personal care attendant.
- Must be employed, earning an individual earned income of at least the federal
poverty level for a household of one but less than $200,000. - Must not receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI) or Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) cash benefits.
- Must not be receiving Medicaid Home and Community Based Services.

James Patrick was born on August 16, 1946, and was just 16 months old when he was diagnosed with astrocytoma, a tumor was wrapped around his spinal cord and he was given only 2-4 months to live. Jimmy’s parents would not accept it and after six major operations and numerous X-ray treatments, Jimmy was alive and well and going to school. However, at age 12, the tumor recurred, resulting in more surgeries and treatments and he had to re-learn to walk three times. Eventually, he learned to use a wheelchair because his muscles atrophied.
After graduating from the University of North Florida in 1981, Jimmy began his long and distinguished career with the State Attorney’s Office in Jacksonville, FL. Over the years, he worked in the Citizen’s Dispute Settlement Program, Youth Mediation/Work Program, the Worthless Check Program, and eventually he headed the Restitution Enforcement Program. In addition, he assisted with special projects, including managing mediators.
While working at the State Attorney’s Office, he developed a passion for the Tax Collection Enforcement Diversion Program. He felt it was wrong for millions of dollars of state sales tax to go uncollected. He convinced his long-time friend State Senator Steve Wise to develop legislation that would allow State Attorney’s offices to go after these funds. The bill established the JPPAS Program and the funding mechanism for the program – The Tax Collection Diversion Enforcement Program.